Raising company funds

Organizing investments in your company

The choice

At one time or another the company’s existence requires more or less substantial financial investments.
The size of the company sometimes enables the chief executive to meet these necessities with his own personal assets, but this is not the case of middle size and large companies and for small companies it is not always the best alternative economically and personally.

Thémis can accompany you in choosing the necessary investment and in implementing this investment, in particular by valuating the company’s shares and establishing all the mandatory legal documents, instruments, statements and certificates (tax certificates in particular) for the investor.

Indeed, investing in a company, regardless of its nature (commercial, professional, artisan, but also real estate…) comprises risks but is in theory a source of profit in the short and/or long term, on the condition that sound advice is available at all stages of this process.

Thémis devotes particular attention to seeing to it that the investor’s quality and functions are taken into account, in order to provide a framework for and to secure the investment.

The investment may require the taking out of a loan, the granting of a subsidy, local financing, but also the opening up of the company’s capital to third parties, whether they be institutions, private individuals, commercial partners or even members of the company.

Thémis devotes particular attention to seeing to it that the investor’s quality and functions are taken into account in order to provide a framework for and to secure the investment.  For example, employees who invest in their company will be offered a legal framework which is specific to this investment (particular commitments on the level of the transfer of the shares subscribed, the pursuit of other activities…).

The chief executive’s investment in his own company will also be the object of a specific study, from the fiscal standpoint in particular.

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